Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Reflections on the playground:



As we trade sand and lakes for backpacks and routines, children are universally excited about the prospect of a new school year.  Their enthusiasm and anxiousness about beginning anew really challenges us to ensure that there will be support, safety nets and always, second chances to become better at learning, better at developing lifelong habits that breed success.
It seems that students bring a genuine love of learning to school each September wrapped inside of their many-layered personalities.  Our schools have been diligent about providing visuals that support good behavior, rewarding students for their kindness and concern for each other.  But, we may be a bit shy on strong visuals and tools that support those other character traits that will solidify them as lifelong learners…..resilience, grit, curiosity,  that make learning valuable to them.

          Scientists have discovered that intelligence is not fixed. In reality, most of what we were taught about IQ just isn’t true. We can become smarter with effort. Lifelong learners realize this and are driven to stay in the game in order to reap the benefits that self-directed learning provides.

           Success depends on sound strong habits and anyone of any ability can develop them. Every activity in school may not have a great impact in life, but the habits students use to approach these tasks will. When students see learning as valuable, it makes all the difference. The real message is that students are not in school for their parents or teachers, or for anyone else for that matter. They are there to reach their own full potential.
Lifelong learners make that happen.


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Well, Mom-Mom, I might get something wrong!

I can feel it – children, parents, and teachers everywhere are both anxious and hopeful about the new school year.

My grandson, Ayden, is going into first grade. We were “playing” chess on Friday, when I found the perfect opportunity to ask him about the coming school year.
The conversation went something like this:

Me: “So, buddy, how are you feeling about first grade?”

Ayden: “Well, Mom-Mom, I’m over it.”

Me: “Oh, tell me about it.”

Ayden: LONG silence

Me: LONG silence

Ayden: “Well…I might get something wrong.”

Me: “Oh, honey; that is a definite. And you know what; your teacher and all your friends will make mistakes too. I get things wrong every day. That’s how I learn to make it right.” (I purposely move my queen in an open spot to get captured).

Ayden: “Mom-Mom, you shouldn’t move your queen there, I can get it.”

Me: “Oh, my mistake. Thanks for teaching me. Now I know.

Ayden: BIG smile!
Teaching idea for today: Model a teachable spirit

Forget about the image of being the “all-knowing teacher.” Students see right through that & it is way too much pressure to uphold. Let your students know you are learning right along with them. Facilitate their learning instead of trying to be the great dispenser of knowledge. It doesn’t work. Students will respect you so much more for your transparency & willingness to learn. Modeling a teachable spirit empowers your students to see learning as continuous & worthwhile.

Ask questions when you are confused. Say you don’t know, & then model how you search for the answer. Take notice when students are teaching you something & thank them for it. Model what it looks like & sounds like to humbly admit when you are wrong.

 Ask students how you can improve as a teacher & use their advice. Share how you took their advice & improved the next project, assignment, or assessment to best represent their needs. Your humility during these moments will speak volumes.

You cannot assume all students have good role models at home to show them the benefits of learning. When you take the time to model how to see learning as valuable, you are providing a gift that lasts a lifetime.







Sunday, August 11, 2013

What’s new for back-to-school gear?


Just turn on TV for a minute or two and you’ll be reminded of the back-to-school frenzy we all face.  For families, it’s the latest ipad or tablet that will help their child enjoy great success.  Of course, that’s coupled with the very latest style of jeans to ensure correct attire for all of the junior fashionistas!


So, who else is busily preparing to launch the 2013-2014 academic year?  Teachers, administrators, school staff…they are planning the journey they will plot to reach the learning goals for their students.   We have innovative approaches to guide us to these ends and they have differed through the years.  Today, our schools are gearing up for full implementation of the Common Core Standards. Common Core is a nationwide effort — led by governors and top state education officials — to step up standards for kindergarten through 12th grade, particularly in core competencies such as math and language arts.


According to Paula A. Calabrese and Stefan Biancaniello, the cofounders of Onhand Schools, in Pittsburgh, which provides software and training programs to school districts, in an editorial to the Philadelphia Inquirer on August 6, 2013, Common Core wasn’t just created to give young Americans a chance to compete in the workforce??  The larger goal of these standards is to prepare students to successfully navigate the world around them by equipping them with the ability to solve problems and think critically. “


These educational mentors go on to say:

“What the Common Core standards don’t do, however, is dictate to local teachers, administrators, and leaders how to reach these new goals.

Educators, in particular, are expected to draw on their own experience and training when determining the best way to challenge their students and motivate them to excel.”



In Learning That Never Ends, we meet these challenges straight on with topics and ideas that can enrich the pathway that our teachers are plotting.  One key area is creating divergent thinkers, which are thinkers who may follow many lines of thought and tends to generate new and original solutions to problems. Divergent thinking is the capacity to act and think flexibly and creatively with what one knows.


Two of our favorite ideas for empowering students to use questioning to promote divergent thinking:

 Change the style of questions asked: 

Questions that promote divergent thinking are open-ended, engaging, and thought provoking. They cannot be answered in one or two words. If our desire is for students to think divergently, then good questioning strategies should be at the forefront of our instruction.

Asking and answering questions plays a significant role in developing creativity and divergent thinking. That sense of childhood wonder can be recaptured if students remain curious about learning, and good questioning allow that to happen.

·         Preplan questions that will promote divergent thinking: Copy the following prompts and keep them on hand when you are teaching. Decide in advance which ones you will include in your lesson to promote deeper, more critical thinking

o       What makes you say that?

o       How do you know you’re right?

o       What’s another way of thinking about…?

o       What qualities of a lifelong learner do you see evident here? How do you know?

o       What qualities of a lifelong learner are missing here? How would the result be different if they were present?


Creative ideas that foster metaphorical thinking:

·         Creating cartoons, comic strips, or superheroes to illustrate a key concept: Have students design original cartoons, comic strips, or superheroes to illustrate a key concept taught. For example, students could design a comic book where main character is Square, a superhero with all the strengths and powers specific to his nature.

·         Construct a character homepage or avatar:

·         Designing advertisements:  Students create an advertisement slogan that describes an important concept, famous historical or scientific person or event, or character. Be creative and thoughtful when writing the advertisement slogan. Proof of research and supporting details must be evident in the slogan. Students can either present it as a TV commercial or create an illustration for a magazine or news journal.

·         Creating “wanted posters”: Students create “wanted posters” that describe an important concept, famous historical or scientific person or event, or character from a story. Wanted posters should include a “mug shot”, description of the “criminal” with connections to the learning included, what they are “wanted for”, any “warnings”, their “aliases”, who they “associate with”, the “DOB”, “last known address”, and any “identifying marks.” Challenge students to use research to defend their choices.

·          Design an Experiment: Design an experiment around a topic of study. Students will need to write up the experiment in detail, have enough materials for the class to do it, and be able to explain the research behind the experiment. Partner experiments are also useful.

·         Create a Song/Rap/Jingle:  Create a song, rap, or jingle representing a topic of study. It must have a main theme in both melody and lyrics. The lyrics should convey accurate content information and should be creative and the details should support the main theme. A live performance is required and must be rehearsed well in advance. If you choose, both lyrics and music can be required.


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Keep Calm and Learn!

Isn’t it crazy how the catch phrase, “Keep calm, and …” is everywhere you look? In just one week, I saw it at my sister’s library, the college campus, and the local coffee shop.

 What’s even more amazing is how it originated.

 Keep Calm and Carry On was a "motivational" poster produced by the British government in 1939 several months before the beginning of WWII, intended to raise the morale of the British public in the aftermath of widely predicted mass air attacks on major cities


 Keep calm and learn!

I started teaching in 1983. Yikes – that certainly dates me!  I do not remember my students being quite as anxious and worried back then. Anxiety is rampant for little ones nowadays. It just breaks my heart.  
Here’s a teaching idea that allows students to keep those worries from taking them over. It is adorable, easy, and effective. In fact, I use it myself!

Put a Fence Around It!

1. Identify the worry and/or distracting thought.

2. Write it down on a little slip of paper or for little ones, they can draw it.

3. Put a fence around it [brackets]

4. Place the paper in your pocket and give yourself permission to worry about it later. Get back to work. (I put the worry in a little compartment in my pocketbook for later - I’m a much better mother, wife, and friend that way because I can be more present)

5. Model what it looks like. Think aloud through the process. Show students that most of the time; when you take your worry out later, it really is no big deal anymore. In fact, most of what we worry about never even happens or perhaps it’s still there, but, hey, what will worrying about it do?

6. Teach your students that you don’t always have to write it down. You can create “mental fences” in your mind by using your hands to form quotations (show students physically with your hands how to do this).